Make Your Business Triumphant
I use a proven values linking approach that maximises people outcomes
Do you need less stress, absenteeism or staff turnover?
I help self-made business people improve employee performance. Enjoy reduce worker stress, absenteeism or staff turnover.
Whether you’re looking to improve the bottom line or not, I can help. Enjoy increased productivity, reduced work performance, absenteeism, work stress or high staff turnover. All without the need for punishment or rewards.
“Individual commitment to a group effort. That is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi
Why do we do things? We do things that are important to us. Sometimes we may not know what those things are. You’re at work today. Why are you at work today? Are you at work today to please yourself or someone else? Are you at work today to please someone? Someone you believe is below you that you need to give instructions to? The reason you’re at work today to fulfil a value of yours. The things that are most important to you. Things that make you want to go and do what you do. Wouldn’t you rather be doing that? Rather than think of work as have too, need too, ought too? Wouldn’t you rather it be love too, want too, can’t wait too. How would that be if your subordinates (staff) (employees) had the same inspired desire? Knowing that they are coming to work to fulfil their values. But what are their values? How do you find out what they are? If they can’t see the (benefit) value in coming to work in relation to their values, they’re not going to be very inspired. They’ll feel demotivated. They’re going to need an awful lot of motivation to get the job done.
To get them to do things in the past, you’ve had to use all sorts of incentive programmes to get them fired up. Every time you have to fire them up, it takes an awful lot of energy, as well as a lot of time. And what goes with wasted time? There’s a cost to wasted time, isn’t there? It costs you your time. It cost production time, production time for the company, which has a dollar value again. Imagine, everyone working together to fulfil a mission and vision. Not only for themselves, but for the organisation as well. If you need me, I’m here to help. My training allows me to help people identify their individual value and link them to their job. So they’re more engaged and productive and inspired when they go to work. Then they won’t need motivation from the outside. They’re inspired from within.
Simply Reach Out
Emotional Healing – Solutions for the stuff you don’t want to talk about

Geoff Neville
Human Perceptions Consultant
Geoff Neville – Trained Demartini Method® Facilitator
Licensed Demartini Facilitator in the application of Values.
Holder of Working With Children Check No.WWC0647564E.
Mob: +61 438 248 115
Start your journey to becoming stronger and more confident today
+61 438 248 115
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 78
Ingleburn, NSW Australia 1890