As Life Empowerment Coach

my mission

 Is to help you triumph over distressing, stressful life events. So you’re free to live a more empowered, fulfilling life.

Geoff of Deed Consulting

About Geoff

A Member of International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) – My study in the field of human behaviour began in 2008. It has given me knowledge of a transformational psychology (The Demartini Method®), that enables clients to dissolve repressed emotional pain and breakthrough issues and experience more inner peace. Allowing them to live more fulfilling lives. As a licenced facilitator of The Demartini Method®, Demartini Addiction Resolution Programme®, and Demartini Values Programme®, I help people, through simple questions, dissolve emotional triggers of past-remembered events and hidden guilt, or shame. Enabling them to transform their lives from ones lived disempowered by depression, PTSD, grief, dependence, anger, or criticism, into lives empowered, and authentic. EMOTIONAL HEALING MADE EASY com au – (a division of DEED Consulting – registered for Lifestyle Counselling and Consultancy.

 EMOTIONAL HEALING MADE – Solutions for the stuff you don’t want to talk about.

Start your journey to emotional healing and well-being today



+61 438 248 115

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 78
Ingleburn, NSW Australia 1890