Emotional Healing Made Easy

Life Empowerment Coaching that will help you navigate inner turmoil in order to dissolve hidden emotional pain
Become Empowered Again

Empower and Embrace Your Full Potential

My vision is ‘To Empower The One Amongst The Many’ – Is that you?

Within every decade of our lives, we experience at least one major event. Some we welcome, and are happy to think, or talk about; they generate pleasant memories and emotions for us. Others, we do not want to think, or talk about. For if we do, they will trigger emotional pain to well-up inside us.

I know, because I have travelled that path.

Hello, I’m Geoff – I am professionally trained in The Demartini Method®.

Since 2008, I’ve been authorised to facilitate this leading-edge, transformational methodology.

For me it all began a year earlier, when I personally experienced its transformational outcome. Because The Demartini Method® did for me in one night, what 18 months of psychiatry didn’t do. That was, dissolve emotional pain relating to a childhood experience.

Now I get to work with clients, usually over a short period of time, to dissolve emotional pain from life events that trigger feelings of guilt, shame, grief, or fear.

Not dissolving those hidden emotional pains can be the difference. The difference between a life of gratitude, or a life of disappointment.

Is it time to dissolve hidden emotional pains or triggers, so you will be free to…

..Better connect or interact with family members

..Awaken the genius within

..Know a sense of purpose - Build self-esteem

..Live life doing what you love

..Expand your scope of influence

..Lead and rise in power

..Share love and intimacy

..More effectively manage money

If you feel it is time to become stronger and more confident. 

Especially in controlling your life.

Then click ‘Become Empowered Again’ so you can start the journey.